COVID-19 Policy
For Kairos Air, family is the most important and #1 priority, so during the Covid-19 crisis, we are comitted with our customers and our community, Implementing and reinforcing the sanitization, disinfectation and cleaning of our equipment as well as following contact-free procedures and equipped field staff the necessary equipment to ensure safe working procedures in homes and businesses of our customers.
We have a very strict policy in place that if any staff member is not feeling well to stay home and consult with their physician and with his or her immediate supervisor
We have adopted a “no-contact policy”
All employees have been instructed to wear gloves on job sites to limit any hand to surface exposure
Technicians already work in isolation for most of the day and are not exposed to large groups during work. We will be limiting face to face interaction between our office team members and field team members
We will be following cleaning protocols recommended by CDC and state agencies